Opportunities - Post-doc
Institution: School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil
Project: Multi-omics Approach to Evaluate the Dynamics of Microbial Metabolites Along Maturation of Canastra Artisanal Cheese
Supervisors: Prof. Bernadette D.G.M. Franco and Prof. Uelinton M. Pinto
The Food Research Center (FoRC) has opened a selection for a post-doctoral fellowship linked to a study aiming at evaluating microbial metabolic activity in cheeses, using omic techniques (metagenomics, lipidomics, metabolomics and volatilomics) and conventional microbiological methods. The study will be developed at the Food Research Center, located at the School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of São Paulo in São Paulo, Brazil, with the support of São Paulo Research Foundation – FAPESP.
Due to its economic and cultural importance, one of the most studied cheeses at the FoRC is Minas Canastra Artisanal Cheese. Produced in Serra da Canastra, MG, it is made with raw bovine milk and an endogenous culture (“pingo”), corresponding to the whey resulting from the production of previous cheeses. The production process does not include heat treatment, and safety, quality and typical sensory characteristics are attributed to maturation at room temperature for at least 14 days. This project aims to deepen the knowledge about the dynamics of microbial metabolic activity during the maturation of Canastra cheese, using omic techniques and conventional microbiological methods. The cheeses will be produced in a pre-selected cheese dairy in Serra da Canastra and transported to the FoRC, where the analyzes will be carried out.
Applicants must send a detailed curriculum vitae and an application letter to forc@usp.br until 30/10/2022. The result of the selection will be announced by 16/11/2022. The estimated date to start the work is 01/12/2022.
Applicants must indicate :
o A PhD degree, obtained in the last 7 years;
o Experience with conventional microbiological techniques, Shotgun metagenomics, UPLC, HRMS Q-TOF, GC-MS and GC-MS/MS, and knowledge in the use of MS-DIAL and MS-Finder softwares;
o Proven knowledge in biosynthesis of natural products;
o Authorship of at least one scientific publication in an indexed journal;
o Not receiving a fellowship from another entity, salary or remuneration deriving from the exercise of activities of any nature.
FAPESP post-doctoral fellowships consist of monthly allowances of R$ 8.479,20 and additional 15% to cover research contingency funds. The fellowship will be granted for one year initially, and can be renewed for one additional year. More information about FAPESP post-doctoral fellowships can be found at https://fapesp.br/en/postdoc.