It is a process of producing flour from green banana, a resistant starch raw material, a non-available carbohydrate. In addition to providing various physiological benefits, there is also the economic benefit, since a significant portion of the variety nanicão babana production is lost in Brazil, from the crops to the consumer. The use of green bananas can reduce this loss and increase the incomes of small producers, who end up paying part of the loss due to surplus production or non-standard fruit.
Resistant starch preserved in Green Banana Flour may contribute to several physiological aspects, such as improvement of intestinal functioning, maintenance of glucose homeostasis, induction of satiety and positive alteration in the plasma profile of gastrointestinal hormones. This type of dietary fiber is not digested and absorbed in the small intestine, it reaches the large intestine where it is fermented by the microbiota; This fermentation produces metabolites that can contribute to the maintenance of intestinal health, as well as modulate the microbiota.
The patented process presents as a differential the preservation of this type of food fiber, since the use of inadequate processes greatly reduces the amount of original resistant starch.
FBV can be used both in addition to meals, as it is a product with virtually no flavor, and in the production of products with functional properties. In this way it can be marketed directly or still be used by industries that produce various types of products: shakes and other beverages, desserts, and ready meals.
PI 0705778-4 (BRAZIL)