- Metabolomic investigation of grumixama juice intake (Eugenia brasilienses Lam.)-Author: Luciane de Lira Teixeira. Advisor: Neuza M.A. Hassimotto. Defense: 2016. Link
- Guajiru bioactive compounds and influence of microwave assisted extraction of anthocyanins of different complexities from different sources. Author: Marcella Camargo Marques. Advisor: Adriana Z. Mercadante. 2016.
- Minimally processed ready-to-eat vegetables: influence of washing-disinfection step on Salmonella Typhimurium inactivation, on occurrence of cross-contamination and on quantitative microbiological risk assessment regarding this pathogen. - Author: Daniele Fernanda Maffei. Advisor: Bernadette D.G.M. Franco. Defense: 2016. Link
- Mathematical modeling of drying of unripe banana slices. - Author: Rosa Fabiana Zabalaga Davila. Advisor: Carmen C. Tadini. Defense: 2016 . Link
- Properties of film forming solutions and gelatin or collagen based films with boldo extract. - Author: Gisele Lourenço da Aparecida Makishi. Advisor: Paulo JA Sobral. Defense: 2016. Link
- The banana starch degradation depends on the combined action of α-amylase and β-amylase in regions of different degrees of crystallinity of the granules. - Author: Renata Shitakubo. Advisor: Beatriz R. Cordenunsi. Defense: 2015. Link
- Direct identification of microorganisms causing mastitis by mass spectrometry. Author: Juliana Regina Barreiro. Advisor:Marcos Veiga dos Santos. Defense: 2015
- Folate and riboflavin producing lactic acid bacteria: isolation and evaluation of their potential application for production of goat dairy products with higher vitamin content. Author: Fabiana Fernanda Pacheco da Silva. Advisor: Bernadette D.G.M. Franco. Defense: 2015. Link
- Effect of the addition of resistant starch and enzymes on the rheological properties of bread dough and physical properties of pan bread. - Author: Luz Altuna. Advisor: Carmen C. Tadini. Defense: 2015. Link
- Pitanga (Eugenia uniflora L), Guarana (Paullinina cupana Kunth), and Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) aqueous extract characterization and their application to promote beef stability during cold storage. - Author: Flavia Carolina Vargas. Advisor: Paulo J.A. Sobral. Defense: 2015. Link
- Biodegradable films made with proteins from castor bean cake: effect of protein extraction pH and sisal fiber and/or glyoxal reinforcement. - Author: Ana Mônica Quinta Barbosa Bittante. Advisor: Paulo J.A. Sobral. Defense: 2015. Link
- Definition of harvest time and exogenous etilene concentration aiming at the better commercial and nutritional potential of the bananas of the Thap Maeo cultivar. - Author: Lorenzo de Amorim Saraiva. Advisor: Beatriz R. Cordenunsi. Defense: 2015. Link
- Influence of biodiversity surrounding the banana crop on protein expression of banana fruits produced on Vale do Ribeira, Brazil. - Author: Florence Castelan. Advisor: Beatriz R. Cordenunsi. Defense: 2015. Link
- Study of dielectric properties of green coconut water and citrus fruits juices relevants to microwave heating. - Author: Arlet Patricia Franco Peñata. Advisor: Jorge A.W. Gut. Defense: 2015. Link
- Selenium status of a population living in a mercury contamination risk area. Influence of polymorphisms and action on oxidative stress. Author: Ariana Vieira Rocha. Advisor: Silvia M.F. Cozzolino. Defense: 2015.
- Influence of polymorphisms Pro198Leu,-602A/G and Arg5Pro in the glutathione peroxidase enzyme activity and at the nutritional status of adult individuals with respect to selenium. Author: Kaluce Gonçalves de Sousa Almondes. Advisor: Silvia M.F. Cozzolino. Defense: 2015.
- The effect of the Atlantic Coastal Forest´s native biodiversity on the metabolism of banana ripening (Musa acuminata AAA, Cavendish, cv. Nanicão).- Author: Talita do Nascimento. Advisor: Beatriz R. Cordenunsi. Defense: 2015 .| Link
- Development of nanoemulsions for food and topical applications. - Author: Karen Cristine Santos Galvão. Advisor: Paulo J.A. Sobral. Defense: 2015. Link
- Hydrolyzed cupuassu seed protein as a source of angiotensin I- converting enzyme inhibitory peptides. - Author: Juliana Nunes da Cruz. Advisor: João Roberto O. Nascimento. Defense: 2015. Link
- Incorporation on natural antimicrobials into alginate based film for the control of Listeria monocytogenes insliced meat product. Author: Maria Cristina Igarashi. Advisor: Mariza Landgraf. Defense: 2015.
- Development and characterization of cassava starch-based biodegradable film as support for NO release. - Author: Helena de Fazio Aguiar. Advisor: Carmen C. Tadini. Defense: 2014. Link.
- Bioactive compounds of genipap, orange and mango: composition and development of extraction methods.Author: Adria de Sousa Bentes. Advisor: Adriana Z. Mercadante. Defense: 2014.
- Effect of Brazil-nut supplementation (Bertholletia excels HBK) as a source of selenium on markers of oxidative stress, inflammatorycytokines and their relationship with the polymorphism Pro198Leu of glutathione peroxidase-1 gene in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.Author: Katia Rau de Almeida Callou. Advisor: Silvia M.F. Cozzolilo. Defense: 2014.
- Effects of the intake of Brazil nut (Bertholetia excels HB
- K) on the oxidative stress in patients with mild cognitive impairment and its relation with polymorphisms in selenoprotein genes. Author: Barbara Rita Cardoso. Advisor: Silvia M.F. Cozzolino. Defense: 2014
MSc Dissertation
- Cross-contamination of ready-to-eat meat products during slicing at points of sale: focus on Listeria monocytogenes. Author: Daniele Bezerra Faria. Advisor: Bernadette D.G.M. Franco. Defense: 2016. Link
- Influence of different genotypes in the pattern of selenoprotein expression in response to Brazil nut supplementation. Author: Janaina Lombello Santos Donadio. Advisor: Silvia M.F. Cozzolino. Defense: 2016.
- Efficacy of treatment and vaccination of mastitis caused by Staphylococcus aureus. Author: Eduardo de Souza Campos Pinheiro. Advisor: Marcos Veiga dos Santos. Defense: 2016.
- Minimal inhibitory concentration of new active metabolites produced by actinobacteria against bacteria causing bovine mastitis. Author: Renata de Freitas Leite. Advisor: Marcos Veiga dos Santos. Defense: 2016.
- Effect of metabolites produced by actinobacteria on in vitro digestibility and ruminal fermentation. Author: Bruna Gomes Alves. Advisor: Marcos Veiga dos Santos. Defense: 2016.
- Survival of probiotic bacteria encapsulated in calcium alginate with green banana meal, added in fruit smothie and during in vitro gastrointestinal simulation.Author: Keiti Pereira Vidal de Souza Advisor: Cynthia J. Kunigk. Defense: 2016.
- Addition of banana flour to probiotic ice cream. Author: Cibele Rocha Carezzato; Advisor: Cynthia J. Kunigk. Defense: 2015.
- Association between single nucleotide plymorphisms in the genes of adiponectin, Toll like receptor-4, IL-1 and IL-6 and dietary fatty acids and their effects to a systemic inflammatory pattern at a population-based study ISA-Capital.Author: Marina Maintinguer Norde. Advisor: Marcelo M. Rogero. Defense: 2015.
- Association between single nucleotide polymorphism in genes of CRP, TNF- and IL-10 and plasma fatty acids and their effect to a systemic inflammatory patter at a population-based study ISA-Capital. Author: Érica Oki.Advisor: Marcelo M. Rogero. Defense: 2015.
- Surface properties of gelatin-based films. - Author: Palmer Vicente Pulla Huillca. Advisor: Paulo J.A. Sobral. Defense: 2015. Link
- Ethylene-auxin interaction and its influence on volatile profile during ripening of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum). - Author: Vanessa Caroline de Barros Bonato. Advisor: Eduardo Purgatto. Defense: 2015. Link
- Anti-inflammatory activity of phenolic extract of purple tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) in mouse model of peritonitis induced by LPS. - Author: Afonso Pinho da Silva Maia. Advisor: Neuza M.A. Hassimotto. Defense: 2015. Link
- Polymorphism Arg325Trp the influence on ZnT8 gene (SLC30A8) in the nutritional status of zinc in patients with type 2 diabetes and its relation to glucose and insulinemic parameters.Author: Verônica da Silva Bandeira. Advisor: Silvia M.F. Cozzolino. Defense: 2015.
- Detection and enumeration of Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus agalactiae in milk by Real-Time PCR. Author: Aline Gerato Dibbern. Advisor:Marcos Veiga dos Santos. Defense: 2015.
- Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli in organic vegetables produced in the area of São Paulo city, Brazil. Author: Erika Yamada Batalha. Advisor: Mariza Landgraf. Defense: 2015.
- The ripening influence to papaya cultivars on radical scavenging capacity and composition of bioactive compounds. - Author: Gabriela Ferreira Martins. Advisor: João Paulo Fabi. Defense: 2014. Link.
- Nutritional status of zinc in children and its relation to gene expression of zinc transporters proteins ZnT1 (SLC30A1) and ZIP4 (SLC39A4). Author: Bruna Zavarize Reis. Advisor: Silvia M.F. Cozzolino. Defense: 2014.
- Effect of bovine mastitis on composition and hygienic quality in bulk tank milk. Author: Susana Nori de Macedo. Advisor: Marcos Veiga dos Santos. Defense: 2014.
- Effect of anionic diet for lactating cows on milk stability.Author: Cristian Marlon de Magalhães Rodrigues Martins.. Advisor: Marcos Veiga dos Santos. Defense: 2014.
- Availability ruminal starch content and degradability of crude protein in diets based on silage cane sugar for dairy cows. Author: Marcos André Arcari. Advisor: Marcos Veiga dos Santos. Defense: 2014.
- Nitrogen sources and level of crude protein in diets with sugarcane for lactating dairy cows: nitrogen balance and economical evaluation. Author: Camila Silano. Advisor: Marcos Veiga dos Santos. Defense: 2014.
- The influence of the proximity of the Atlantic Rain forest biodiversity in the profile of volatile compounds from bananas (Musa acuminate AAA cv. Nanicão) produced in Vale do Ribeira, SP. - Author: Maria Fernanda Nobre dos Santos Calháu. Advisor: Beatriz R. Cordenunsi. Defense: 2014. Link.
- Production of zein-based biofilms. - Author: Wanessa Ximenes Ribeiro. Advisor: Co-Advisor: Carmen C. Tadini. Defense: 2014. Link
- Liquid smoke, nisin, lactate and propionate as antimicrobial agents in sausages. - Author: Isabela Sarmento Brasileiro. Advisor: Bernadette D.G.M. Franco. Defense: 2014 | | Link
- Study of the nanoparticle dispersion in water and its effect on the properties of gelatin films nanocomposites. - Author: Christian Humberto Caicedo Flaker. Advisor: Paulo J.A. Sobral. Defense: 2014. Link
- The effect of the proximity of the Atlantic Rainforest fragment over the crop area in the ripening of bananas (Musa acuminata AAA cv. Nanicão) and the phenolic compounds of banana leaves. - Author: Victor Castro Alves. Advisor: Beatriz R. Cordenunsi. Defense: 2014. Link
- Occurrence and distribuition of BanLec in banana cultivars and eveluation of its immunomodulatory activiry in vivo. - Author: Ana Claudia Miranda Brito Sansone. Advisor: João Roberto O. Nascimento. Defense: 2014. Link
- Study of polymorphisms in glutathione peroxidase 1 Pro198Leu gene and -617C/A in the transcription factor Nrf2 gene in relation to oxidative stress and nutritional status of selenium in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus. Author: Luciane Luca de Alencar. Advisor: Silvia M.F. Cozzolino. Defense: 2014.
- Aglomeration process of green banana flour with high resistant starch content in pulsed fluidized bed. - Author: Lina Maria Rayo Mendez. Advisor: Carmen C. Tadini. Defense: 2013. Link
- Nutritional status of zinc in patients with rheumatoid arthritis and its relationship with oxidative stress and Arg213Gli polymorphism in the superoxide dismutase 3 gene. Author: Graziela Biude Silva. Advisor: Silvia M.FCozzolino. Defense: 2013.